All products that require shipment can be canceled before shipment is processed, but we cannot guarantee this. If your order has been paid and you want to cancel an order, please try to contact us as soon as possible best is within 12 hours! Once the shipment has already been processed for packaging and shipping, it cannot be canceled.

Please note that we are only permitted to cancel the entire order for you upon your request if the order has not been processed for shipment and is within 12 hours from when you placed the order. Once the order has been processed or after 12 hours, infinMart will have no control over the order as the order has already been processed by the vendor for shipment. In this case, the best option for you is to directly contact the vendor to see if they can stop the order processing and cancel it for you.

If you are requesting to make any changes to your order(s) such as any of the listed requests below, we apologize but we are not permitted to do editing or changes to customer order(s). However, another way to fix the issue will be by submitting an order cancellation request for that particular order, while you can place a whole new order with the correct information at checkout or update your information inside your infinMart account. Please remember to double-check all your information before placing an order.

For security reasons, below are the requests we cannot assist our customer to do:

  • Edit shipping address or contact information
  • Edit/ remove the quantity of your order
  • Change your payment method
  • Edit your payment information
  • Change billing address

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